Kickass and being 48
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper asked his and Phyllis’s fellow Vista West residents at a social gathering to comment on something from their lives from when they were 48 years old.
Amazingly, it turns out that many people denied ever having been 48, and those who remembered that they were once that age said that it passed with the speed of a 4th of July celebration accompanied by mild indigestion and with some of the same symptoms.
It bodes well for the Vista West crowd that its members have so accepted their current senior age status that the apexes of their lives—when they were flying at 10,000 feet and doing barrel rolls, those halcyon times have been appropriately filed under “that was then and this is now.”
Congratulations to the Vista West age group everywhere for meeting life’s great challenge—accepting reality.
And for once having been 48.