Kickass and Chinese balloon
Kickass, the doorstop dog, is often unable to do anything about the keeper’s excesses. This is one of those mornings:
Oh, big Chinese balloon up in the sky
Please come to earth before I die.
I want to see what you’re about,
Your good intentions are in doubt.
Do you come look at military fare,
Or just to see us in our underwear?
If you want to see how dumb we are.
Float over Florida, and there you are!
Or maybe your interest is government
Get to DC and you’ll see how we sent
The dumbest reps we could possibly find
To put us in a hopeless bind.
Floating up there at 60,000 feet
You’re too high if you want to meet
Santos, and Kevin and maybe Marge
Come down to earth, see who’s in charge.
Oh, big Chinese balloon up in the sky
Here’s how we look when we cry!