
Kickass and first snow

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the first swirling snowflakes of the season were immediately politicized when the Repubs said that they—the snowflakes, represented the Dems’ start of a six-month long snow job to sell snow, ice, freezing wind and blizzards as the charms of a socialized season when everyone has equal opportunity to shiver, shovel, slip and fall on their ass.

The Dems, unable to convince Manchin that winter coats were a good idea, passed legislation to give every citizen one mitten of their choice—left or right hand; and to build a huge snow fort in Texas to preserve the frozen brain of Gov. Abbott for scientific comparison to the brains of other snowmen.

Repub leader McConnell called the first snow flakes a Dem plot to restrict gardening which would result in exorbitant prices for zucchini, a favorite Kentucky vegetable.

The keeper looked out of his window at the brief blizzard, and how it at least obscured his far-away image of the state Capital; and he wondered if there could be such a thing as a winter vaccine?

Maybe, when the snow stops, he will check it out with Aaron Rodgers.

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