
Kickass and lost them drive

Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper and Phyllis in assigning significance to various things as savage wars rage around the globe,

the planet begins to burn up, narcissism dominates governments everywhere and it snows in Alabama.

With all of this happening, the incident of the lost and then found thumb drive in the vicinity of the keeper’s desk looms as being of much greater importance as it relates to real life since the little storage device contained the only copy of a week or so of Phyllis’s painstaking work on behalf of the keeper.

After a period of panic searching, the missing thumb drive was discovered in the bottom of a waste basket, having apparently fallen off the keeper’s desk during one of his rare attempts to get organized.

The keeper simply does not have words to describe his sense of relief and gratitude for the thumb drive’s recovery, and he will be reassessing the location of his wastebasket.

Such is the most important issue as life goes on for Phyllis and the keeper in a frazzled world!

Happy January 12, 2025!

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