Kickass and Mayhem poets
Kickass, the doorstop dog, stayed home as the keeper and Phyllis went to a performance of The Mayhem Poets, three guys taking poetry out of the box and throwing it to the wind.
As one who spent his lifetime working with words within the discipline of newspaper column writing, the keeper was impressed with how the performing poets put words in their place, raising the progression of caveman grunting to new levels and demonstrating the virtue of using words to facilitate understanding each other.
It was a young crowd–the keeper and Phyllis obviously breaking the age barrier, and it was comforting to be in the midst of youthful enthusiasm for words being used so innovatively.
It made the keeper think he had been too bound by word rules and convention, and he should have broken the column writing mold by painting words on the side of a barn or shouting them while suspended upside-down over a waste processing facility.
Next time!