
Kickass and Mike adventure

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that Phyllis wisely chooses to stay home, as the keeper and his son Mike head north with a number of missions on their itinerary:

         *Find out just what it is that motivates grown men to turn bear hounds loose to chase all creatures through the peaceful summer woods in the name of “training.”

*Discover why Wisconsin is the only state where such a travesty is allowed–even encouraged.

*Visit the site where wolves, defending their pups, recently killed an invading hound, for which the state will pay the hound owner $2500.

         *Put out the Canadian wildfires.

         *Reminisce endlessly about Bass Lake and Westfield days when both the keeper and Mike were much younger–and not so careful about doing really dumb things.

         *Talk about the women in their lives, and the incredible differences they made, and are still making: Thank you Phyllis, Sarah and all past and present.

         *Arrive back home safely with their biases and outspokenness all intact.


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