Kickass and Phyllis winner
Kickass, the doorstop dog, says the keeper and his ilk, swimming the treacherous waters of old age, need to be tossed an occasional life-preserver to get their minds off the uncertainty and inevitability of what lies downstream, and to even put a little spring in their backstroke: So it is with proud delight that the keeper passes on word of Phyllis winning a first place and a couple of honorable mentions in the current Whitewater Arts Alliance photo competition.
The keeper has, of course, considered Phyllis a prize winner since he met her and kidnapped her from Arizona in her own car to come and live with him as the two of them swim together through what could coincidentally be called their “white water” years.
The keeper congratulates his lovely wife and pauses before her “Blue Shoes” prize-winning photo to marvel at her talent and to think again just how lucky he is to be a part of her fascinating life. It is the thing that will keep him dog-paddling until he is either swept over the great falls, or drowns in his own watery metaphor.
(The Whitewater competition for “people’s choice” goes on and voting for Phyllis is recommended by the keeper, and by Kickass.)