Kickass and Phyllis’s postcards
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper is awed by the “VOTE” postcard efforts of Phyllis and her Vista West friends. Tomorrow is mailing day for 800 hand-written postcards headed for registered voters in North Carolina and other locations with the message that who you vote for is private, but the fact of whether or not you vote is public and it is important for you to vote in the coming election. Voters’ names were gleaned from the record of their having voted in past elections.
While Phyllis and her friends have their own political leanings and are not shy about making them known, the postcards they are sending are totally bipartisan, and the handwritten messages are distinguished from the avalanche of slick profession campaign literature cascading down from the big money bullies.
There is something incredibly gratifying in the likes of Phyllis and her friends doing what they can to preserve democracy in the face of the richest Duffus in the world doing his shady best to buy the entire system for his narcissistic friends and his own selfish use!
Go Phyllis and friends!