
Kickass and POTUS Oval off talk on viral

Kickass, the doorstop dog, joined the keeper to watch the orange POTUS read the teleprompter in talking to the public about the viral pandemic; and while it is sad to see a grown man cry, it is worse when a whining dog joins in.   After more than three years of nothing but narcissistic bullshit from the POTUS, the keeper would have been out-to-lunch if he had expected anything different simply because the world population– particularly the keeper’s age group, is at risk for severe illness and death.  The emphasis on protecting corporations and big business to prop up a collapsing world economy, while virtually ignoring the growing desperation of those directly and indirectly brought down by the virus, marks the POTUS pandemic message as a new low even for him.  It expands his opinion that not only is it okay to grab women’s privates, it is also okay to kick the World’s privates if it means no pain will be felt by the rich, including those in the hotel industry.

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