
Kickass and Rudy the red-faced lawyer

Kickass, the doorstop dog, has been working with the keeper in a necessary rewrite of a Christmas favorite:

“You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen

“Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen

“But do you recall

“The most outrageous Christmas figure of all?

“Rudy the red faced lawyer

“Had a very phony client

“And if you ever saw them

“They were never mask compliant.

“All of the Covid masses

“Used to shout and call them names

“They said they were horses’ asses,

“And couldn’t play election games.

“Then one foggy post-election day

“Rudy’s loser client came to say,

“’Rudy with your unmasked face so bright

“Make me the election winner tonight.’

“Then how the voters scorned him

“As they shouted out with glee,

“’Rudy the red faced lawyer

“You and your loser client are up the Covid tree!’”

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