
Kickass and snow as daylight

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper, while adhering to “anything-goes” in personally adapting to truth, science and the second coming of JFK jr. down in Dallas, has evidence that the impending snowfall is simply stored daylight which is part of a political plot to phony up life for the innocents.

To accept snow as stored daylight, when daylight is in short supply, the keeper says it is necessary to stick your head into a snowbank and inhale deeply.  In such a posture it is possible you may encounter the likes of Mike Lindell and Tucker Carlson who will be sharing the same nut-stuffed pillow with Johnson, Voss, Prehm, Gableman and other Wisconsin political luminaries.  The keeper suggests ignoring them as they have not been vaccinated against narcissism, indifference, and ignorance.

In this December time of most-daylight-deprived days of the year, the importance of accepting snow as stored daylight cannot be stressed enough, nor can the advantage of keeping your head in a snowbank to avoid seeing the Repub politicians posing in family portraits with everyone—including their children, brandishing machine-guns.

The weekend prediction is for several inches of daylight, and that means there will be plenty of snowbanks available for head-stuffing.  The keeper looks forward to not seeing you!






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