Kickass and the chickens
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in stressing the importance of respect in trans-species relationships, even the one between humans and chickens.
It is doubtful that chickens will ever work out the deal that dogs have, whereby humans take chickens for walks and let them roost on the couch and sleep in their beds, but viewed from a statistical point, chickens figure in more human lives than dogs do.
It follows then, that more consideration needs to be given to how we humans really feel about chickens. An opportunity to do just that was presented when Phyllis and the keeper were invited to share dinner with neighbor Nancy’s family; and her son Bob marinated, skewered and then grilled a number of chickens in such a unique way as to make them delicious, which was translated to “love” as the keeper and others said they “loved” Bob’s chicken.
That, for now, seems to be where it is at for the people-chicken relationship: we humans love you chickens but unfortunately it is mostly when you are skewered and grilled by somebody like Bob.
Maybe you chickens could work on that. Talk to the dogs!