
Kickass and the storm party

Kickass, the doorstop dog, continues to comfort the keeper as he frets about the winter weather threat to his Saturday (Jan. 19) afternoon book launch party for his novel– “Margaret’s War”– at his house on top of a Mazomanie ridge. Though he has volunteers who will keep the sloping driveway clear and an up-the-hill shuttle service will be available, he is concerned that the prospect of a little snow and cold could discourage some party attendees who fear being snowed in with me–Kickass and Phyllis and the keeper. While I would be willing to share my dog bed, I cannot speak for Phyllis and the keeper in that regard. However, there are other beds downstairs. (As featured entertainment, the other keeper’s dog—Boo, will be playing the piano.) In reality, a small three-inch snow event with cold to follow is hardly a challenge for Midwest residents who think ice fishing and winter camping are a lot of fun, and making snow angels while naked doesn’t always require a sauna if there is Korbel brandy on hand.

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