Kickass does dumb things
Kickass, the doorstop dog, says the keeper obviously did more than his share of totally stupid things earlier in life, as evidenced by the fact that he still does totally stupid things. But he—the keeper, unlike Virginia Gov. Northam, is not assuming he has the slightest capacity to be a leader, and therefore his—the keeper’s peccadillos can remain known to him alone, if, that is, he had the good taste to keep his mouth shut. He does not. So once as a callow youth—19, he drank too much beer and was arrested for OWI which meant his driver’s license was suspended, and since you cannot exist in a small town at the age of 19 without a driver’s license, he enlisted in the Army for three years and promptly got involved in a shooting war. It was the best thing that could have happened. It gave the keeper a look over the edge of isolated collective narcissism, and it gave him the GI bill at the UW. There could be some positives for Northam too, like maybe acknowledging the insidious degree of racism that still exists—within himself and Eastern Virginia Medical School where blackface is apparently still part of the scene, or at least was in 1984.