Kickass forgives debt
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper is joining the debt-forgiveness crowd by forgiving the debt owned to him by a Texas individual as a result of playing pinochle for money while both were members of an Infantry I&R platoon in Korea some 70 years ago.
While it was common to play cards during the off time from patrols and observation post duty, it was also–unfortunately for the keeper, common for some players—losers, to keep a running indebtedness rather than paying up at the end of each pinochle session.
One of the reasons the keeper is forgiving the debt is that he cannot remember the name of the Texan who owes it. He only remembers him as being typically Texan big and brash. (It wasn’t “Greg Abbott,” but it was something like that, “Jeffery Bighat?” No, it had more syllables, like “Jackasson” or “Horseapple.”)
The keeper does, however, remember the amount of the debt–$32, which, if calculated to include compound interest, would probably be enough for the keeper to buy a new car.
Unlike Biden who says he feels good about forgiving students’ debts, the keeper resents the fact that he is forced by his failed memory to forgive the old pinochle debt, especially since his current car lease is about to expire.