Kickass gets a vasectomy
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper has probably not made any more life altering decisions than most men but cites an incident way back when he was a columnist for the Milwaukee Journal and, in the mode of writing about everything, did a column for the Journal’s “Insight” magazine about getting a vasectomy.
As he remembers the column, it left out the detail of the keeper’s concern during the procedure when the surgeon, after learning that the keeper was a former outdoor writer, launched into an account of a big fish he had caught, waving his scalpel-wielding hand to demonstrate the fish’s size. It was, of course, the keeper’s thinking at the time that the surgeon needed to stop with the fish stories and pay closer attention to his work.
As impactful as the vasectomy decision was on his life, it pales in comparison to the keeper deciding early on to get the Covid vaccinations: that may have saved his life.
Phyllis, who once worked for Planned Parenthood, shares the keeper’s belief that when it comes to your own body, nobody makes decisions but you; and if there is a menacing scalpel waving around in either family planning centers or vaccination sites it is in the hands of insufferably arrogant and ignorant males who need brainectomies.