
Kickass KPD meeting grope

Kickass, the doorstop dog, says a meeting of the Kickass President Deniers (KPD)  started with the secret handshake–middle fingers joined and then raised on high, and progressed to the NOPA-DOPA motto (No Orange President Allowed During Our Political Age) and went on to recitation of the ten commandments, the first of which is, “Thou shalt have no leaders that have brought thee out of the land of decency and into the land of childish absurdity, (See previous post for other nine).  At this point a ruckus broke out in the rear of the room.  It seems that a female KPD member claimed that she had been groped and was unwilling to accept an explanation from Kellyann Conjob that the Orange-haired groper had simply been checking her prostate as a medical favor.  When reminded that women do not have prostates, Kellyann Conjob said that was the fault of Obomacare and this would all be changed when Dr. Carson is in charge of HUD.  The KPD meeting ended with the singing of that beloved country song, “Jesus Loves Me, But He Can’t Stand You.”


Kickass the Doorstop Dog

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