
Kickass laughing

Kickass, the doorstop dog, who would rather be a laugh dog than a lap dog, says his keeper lectured briefly yesterday about the joys of making somebody laugh, something Mary Tyler Moore must have known better than most people.  The keeper has a granddaughter—Sarah, who is into this—making people laugh, not at the expense of others, but at themselves or at things that are genuinely funny.  She was the keeper’s collaborator for the “Naked At Amazo” play they did several summers ago in the Mazo community center—about a thousand people for the six showings.  The rewards were hearing people laugh.  Sarah is following a dream at Second City in Chicago to use her considerable talent to make even more people laugh.  (Do we need laughter now with a narcissistic leader who espouses torture and never laughs?)  Sarah even looks like Mary Tyler Moore.  Go Sarah!

Kickass the Doorstop Dog

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