
Kickass repeal 2nd amendment (3)

Kickass the Doorstop Dog

Kickass, the doorstop dog, says his keeper’s campaign to repeal the 2nd amendment may gain some momentum with the shooting in the Wash. DC area ball park.  The NRA, however, will likely say the shooting never would have happened if those dog walkers in an adjoining pet park had been carrying guns.  Look for the gun nuts to demand that all dog park users be required to carry guns.

As the keeper keeps repeating, the 2nd amendment is no longer applicable in modern society and has become nothing more than a perverted tool for misguided, narcissistic zealots.

A child dies of gunfire every other day, 33,000 people are killed by guns annually.

The keeper wonders if the congressman being shot in the hip could not be enough of a symbolic kick in the ass to do something about this insanity?  Probably not, since 20 some dead first graders and their teachers was not enough of a jolt to change one damn thing.

Dogs would do better.  Cats even.



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