
Kickass Sunset Sink Tank

Kickass the Doorstop Dog

Kickass, the doorstop dog, says he and his keeper will mark the longest day of the year by getting comfortable out on the deck and watching the sunset, starting about noon.  The morning will be spent in deep meditation on subjects designed to ease the stress of spending the rest of the day watching the sunset.

Because there is such tremendous therapeutic value to such inactivity, and this needs to be shared, June 21, 2017 will mark the organizational meeting of the “Kickass Sunset Sink Tank.”   Due to the short notice, probably only Kickass and the keeper will be on hand for this first meeting—though others are certainly welcome.

Subsequent meeting times of KSST will be flexible but scheduled roughly every 3rd Wednesday, making the next one July 12.  Kickass will try to remember to post a reminder.  Open house—check the sunset time, head south at the Mazomanie Mobile station, we’re on the hilltop on the left.   Bring your own meds, or take your chances with house fare.

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