
Kickass time for Eunuch Rule

Kickass the Doorstop Dog

Kickass, the doorstop dog, says with more and more stories of domestic abuse filtering down through society—starting with the White House, and with men audaciously making reproduction rules for women, it is time to enact the Kickass Eunuch Rule which holds that any man proposing anything having to do with birth control, abortion, or reproduction restrictions is to be immediately castrated.  No questions asked!

It would, of course, be advantageous for the Eunuch Rule to be put in place at the top, but this may be too much to hope for and is probably beyond the purview of Mueller.

Kickass adds that he is too old to be pandering to the ladies, so don’t even think about going there.  Also, once at a veterinarian’s office he was rendered unconscious and hasn’t been the same since.

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