Ship the Kids on Ahead (1st Edition)




We all have that one older funny family member. You know the one, he tells stories from his experiences and usually has people rolling in the eyes. William Stokes is that person! He presents a delightful collection of memories that are truly life lessons even today! Stokes, through his memories and wit provides opportunities to learn through laughter, sharing of memories and love.

Many will shake their heads in remembrance of similar experiences and crack a smile if not a full on belly laugh!

From chapters on “The Hammer is in the Petunias” to “Merry Christmas” one cannot help but feel warm and comforted in those memories he shares that are full of life lessons. His writing style is comfortable, breezing along with ease and sucking the reader along on the ride allowing them to lose themselves. Jump aboard and experience those eye rolling, belly laughing moments, it will be a wild ride!

This is a priceless collection of memories that we all share in one form or another – I can guarantee that at least half of you have avoided washing your hands as a small child, someone you know has eaten paste or drank ink, not made your bed or attempted to organize your tools! Each of you have met with similar disastrous results from childhood into elderlyhood! Enjoy Stokes collection of remembrances and get ready to belly-laugh your afternoon away!
-Charla White of