
Kickass and 5th anniversary

Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the crowd in respecting those two-person relationships that sometimes persevere longer than the magna carta, and this is particularly noteworthy at Vista West where the keeper and Phyllis’s nearest neighbors—Joyce and Jim H. and Ellie and Jim B. have marriages of record setting dimensions.

 So it was with whatever modesty and restraint the keeper can manage, which isn’t much, that he and Phyllis celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary with dinner out and stimulating conversation between the two of them on subjects ranging from literature to dogs.

They still marvel at their incredibly good fortune in finding each other so late in life and at how the days are enriched beyond measure because they are together.

Phyllis’s daughter Gina recently sent an altered image of the keeper and Phyllis showing them as royalty. It seems appropriate in accompanying this 5th anniversary message.

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